Anatoly died Lobachev

yesterday, 19 August, на 81-м году жизни умер Анатолий Леонидович Лобачёв.

Anatoly Lobachev born 14 Martha 1939 of the year.

He engaged in weightlifting. His coaching career began in 1968 year as a coach in weightlifting Mogilev Regional Council DSO "Spartak". AT 1974 he graduated from the Belarusian State Institute of Physical Culture (ныне Белорусский государственный университет физической культуры).

He worked as a coach and lecturer in the Department of weightlifting in the Mogilev State College of Olympic Reserve, It has the highest qualification category.

Over the years, the work of Anatoly Lobachyov made a great contribution to the development of weightlifting in Mogilev, Mogilev oblast and the Republic of Belarus. WITH 1999 by 2000 A few years. L. Lobachev led the national team of the Republic of Belarus in weightlifting, which won at the XXVII Summer Olympics two bronze medals. Prepared by twenty-five masters of sports of international class, and more than a hundred masters of sports of Belarus; among them the World Weightlifting Championships and the European, серебряного призера XXVIII и XXIX летних Олимпийских игр — Andrei Rybakov и чемпиона Европы — Vitaly Derbenyov. AT 2013 году на чемпионате мира по тяжелой атлетике воспитанники Лобачёва — Екатерина Шкуратова и Dean Sazanovets стали бронзовыми призерами, and Andrey Rybakov in the snatch won the gold medal.

AT 2001 he was awarded the medal "For labor merits»; at 2009 and 2010 years of excellent service in the development of the Olympic movement in the Republic of Belarus - the medal "For Distinguished Service» of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus.

AT 2014 year for his great contribution to the city, Anatoly Leonidovich became "Honorary Citizen of Mogilev».

It was the last film in the life of Anatoly Leonidovich, on the 80-year anniversary!

Belarusian heavy athletics Union, The national team of the Republic of Belarus, Weightlifting Belarus team and weightlifters of the country expresses its sincere condolences to the family, family and relatives Anatoly Leonidovicha.

Let the earth you rest in peace, Dear Anatoly Leonidovich!

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